Life of a Salesforce Consultant: Insights from Andre Van Kampen

In Salesforce consulting, no two days are the same. To better understand what it’s like to navigate this dynamic field, we had the pleasure of speaking with Andre Van Kampen—a Salesforce MVP, freelance consultant, and organizer of several key events in the Salesforce ecosystem, including YeurDreamin’, Amsterdam Salesforce User Group, and the ISV Forum. 

From Accidental Consultant to Salesforce MVP 

Andre’s journey into Salesforce consulting was anything but conventional. His entry into the field began unexpectedly when, during a challenging SharePoint and Dynamics implementation at a previous job, a friend alerted him to an opportunity in Salesforce consulting. Despite having little prior knowledge of Salesforce, Andre took the chance, which turned out to be a perfect fit. 

Reflecting on his journey, Andre notes, “I started as an accidental consultant. I was working in IT with a focus on SharePoint and Dynamics, but when an opportunity in Salesforce came up, it just felt right. Since then, I’ve amassed 7 certifications and been deeply involved in the Salesforce community.” 

A Typical Day 

Andre’s days are filled with a mix of consulting, community engagement, and event organization.  

“A typical day involves wearing many hats. I often spend half the week at customer offices, supporting them, implementing new features, or upgrading their Salesforce functionalities,” he explains. His work spans various Salesforce clouds, including Sales, Service, and Experience Cloud, and frequently involves integrating these with other systems. 

Balancing Work and Personal Life 

Managing work-life balance in such a dynamic field can be challenging. Andre says, “I’ve found a balance by organizing my schedule around Salesforce events and taking mornings off for personal tasks.” He also emphasizes the importance of planning free time around Salesforce gatherings, turning them into opportunities for both work and personal enjoyment. 

Advice for Newcomers 

For those aspiring to enter the field, Andre offers some valuable advice. 

Q: What skills are crucial for success in Salesforce Consulting?

A: Communication skills are crucial. While technical expertise is important, being able to effectively communicate and empathize with clients can set you apart. 

Drawing from his background in hospitality, Andre has honed his ability to understand and address client needs—a skill that has proven invaluable in his consulting career. 

Andre encourages newcomers to embrace networking and personal branding. “The technical skills can be learned, but building a strong personal brand and network is essential. Use social media to showcase your expertise and connect with others in the field,” he advises.

Networking is not just about finding new opportunities but also about learning and sharing knowledge within the community. 

Current Projects and Future Plans 

Andre recently spoke at Dreamforce, marking a significant milestone in his career. He’s also preparing for YeurDreamin’ in March while working on key integrations for two major customers. His active role in organizing community events and staying current with Salesforce developments keeps him deeply engaged in the ever-evolving Salesforce ecosystem.

Staying Updated 

To keep pace with Salesforce’s rapid advancements, Andre relies on a combination of community engagement, Slack channels, and newsletters.

“Being active in the community and staying informed through various channels helps me stay current with the latest developments,” he says. 

In Conclusion 

Andre Van Kampen’s journey from an accidental consultant to a respected Salesforce MVP and community leader showcases the diverse and dynamic nature of Salesforce consulting. His insights into balancing work and personal life, the importance of communication and networking, and his commitment to continuous learning offer valuable lessons for anyone in or entering the field.  

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