July 2024

Key Updates and Fixes for PDF Butler, Collaboration Butler, and Sign Butler

We are excited to share the latest updates and enhancements to PDF Butler, COLLABORATION Butler, and SIGN Butler. Our team has been working diligently to provide you with powerful new features and important fixes to improve your document generation and management experience. PDF Butler Excel Formula Validator Feature: We’ve introduced a new formula validator for

Key Updates and Fixes for PDF Butler, Collaboration Butler, and Sign Butler Read More »

Streamlining Operations with PDF Butler: Toyo Ink Europe’s Journey

Toyo Ink Europe, a branch of Artience, has been a key player in the printing ink and materials industry. With seven subsidiaries across Europe, the company deals with a high volume of complex documentation and customer communication.  The need for a more organized and efficient document management system led them to PDF Butler. We spoke

Streamlining Operations with PDF Butler: Toyo Ink Europe’s Journey Read More »

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