Every country, language, and combination of both have their way of formatting dates, currencies, numbers,…
The combination of language and country is called locale. For instance, in Belgium, we speak Dutch, French, and German. Our locales are:
- Dutch Belgium: nl_BE
- French Belgium: fr_BE
- German Belgium: de_BE
For most countries, they only speak 1 main language so their locale is easier and they have only 1:
- USA: en_US
- UK: en_UK
- Germany: de_DE
- Netherlands: nl_NL
So supporting documents over multiple countries or in a country that speaks multiple languages. You will need to format the dates, currencies, numbers specifically for those countries.
PDF Butler knows how to format for every locale and will even translate your date (months and days) in the correct language.
Spell out Numbers in words instead of using the numeral.