The needs of our users are more complex every day, which is why we have developed a new component that helps generate a PDF file from 1 or more DocConfig, which is flexible, customizable, and easy to use.
This will help you save time generating and sending files to the end user.
You can find the Step by Step Guide here:
You can watch how to do it here:
Overview of output parameters:
- docConfigs: List of mandatory docConfig Ids
- optionalDocConfigs: List of mandatory docConfig Ids
- packs: List of mandatory pack Ids
- alternative: Alternative to use
- locale: Locale to use
- sendSeparate: Boolean setting to merge all pdfs or process them separate (eg in mails or SIGN Butler)
- subtitle: Subtitle of the component. This will show on the header of the component
- allowFileUpload: Shows the file upload component. All files uploaded are shown in a pill under the file upload component. Uploaded files will be added to the end of the document or when “sendSeparate” is true, they will be added as separate files to the end of the list of files.