A usefull overview of FAQ we have used and learned from our customers.
- FAQ: why do I get error: “Argument 1 cannot be null”
- FAQ: How do I assign Licenses?
- FAQ: How do I Grant Login Access?
- FAQ: Does PDF Butler work on a Scratch Org?
- FAQ: When opening the PDF Butler config-screen, I get redirected to the home-page?
- FAQ: Can we handle Library Files?
- FAQ: Can we handle Encrypted Fields?
- FAQ: Password reset or Forgot Password?
- FAQ: How to add a SOQL Parameter By Actionable?
- FAQ: Why Emails send from Salesforce end up in SPAM folder?
- FAQ: How to lock / Encrypt a PDF after generation?
- FAQ: Can we support Arabic and Right-to-left script?
- FAQ: Can we store a file in an AWS S3 bucket?
- FAQ: Can I get the list of Alternatives in Salesforce
- FAQ: Have a textbox fixed to the bottom of the last page